Want to know more about me? You've come to the right place. Second only to the place directly in front of me so that you could ask me yourself, I guess.

I'm an astrophysicist and/or space scientist. Mainly I am employed as an IT supporter in the Department of Space Research and Technology at the Technical University of Denmark. I work in the Division of Geomagnetism and Geospace, where I divide my time between assisting with the division and the department's IT infrastructure, and pitching in with programming for some research projects. DTU is based in Kongens Lyngby, Denmark.
I also work with the European Space Agency, as the Public Information Officer on their outreach team for the Hubble Space Telescope and the James Webb Space Telescope. They're based out of the ESA Office at the Space Telescope Science Institute in Balitmore, Maryland, USA; I, as well as many other team members, work remotely.
I have an MSc. degree in Space Science from the Université de Liège in Belgium. During my master's degree, I spent a semester on exchange at Aarhus Universitet in Denmark, and previously in 2019, I obtained my BSc. in Physics with Astrophysics from the National University of Ireland, Galway.
My prior roles include a summer internship at the NUI Galway School of Physics, and a teaching assistant position on the CS211 course there at the School of Mathematics. I've undertaken a lot of voluntary work, mainly in and around science outreach and advocacy. I served for two years on the Executive Committee of the International Association of Physics Students, a year as a member of the Student Committee of the Institute of Physics, and a couple years as Auditor of the NUI Galway Astronomy Society. Among other things.
If you're interested in further details, take a look at my Curriculum Vitae, or the projects page.
I'm Irish - and so, European. I'm approximately years old. I use the pronouns he, him and his. I'm interested in
- reading (fiction and non-fiction) and writing (mostly speculative fiction)
- tinkering with computers, technology and programming (I built this entire website)
- language, especially etymology; science, especially physics; history and law, especially political
- travelling and visiting new places; photographing things; visual design; and meeting people.
I like thinking about rules and systems, which probably informs some of my interests above. I also like thinking about magic, as I am a wizard :^) I enjoy going for walks (though usually not long or on the beach!).
I speak some French, though it's certainly rusty, and I'm learning Danish. Despite many years of schooling, I can't claim to be a gaeilgeoir. And on the point of places I've visited, here's a list of the countries and cities I've been to!
You can see more about my interests at the various places on the links page. Or, shoot me an email.