
Projects and stuff

All the things I've done that are fit to web-host! Enquire within for details.

Analysis of EPT and SATRAM data

Master's degree thesis; September 2020—August 2021

Université de Liège (Belgique)

For the fulfillment of the requirements of my Master of Science degree, I was required to complete a thesis on a project in space science. The project, done in collaboration with researchers at UCLouvain and the Belgian Royal Observatory, concerned radiation monitor data acquired from the EPT and SATRAM instruments aboard the PROBA-V satellite. The object was to compare the two instruments' data and identify areas where they could be used complementarily. I wrote scripts to read and process the data, analysed it and drew conclusions in that vein. I was able to successfully defend the thesis, too!

The thesis is available from the University of Liège by clicking on this big box. (The full title is: Analysis of EPT and SATRAM data for the assessment of the use of radiation monitor data for space weather purposes".)


September 2020—Present

In September 2020 I began to build a personal website for me, as well as a general landing page so that my family could host their own websites on the same domain with me, and we could all have email addresses there. This is that website; it was launched in February 2021. (It wasn't what you'd call a high-priority project.)

The website is hand-written HTML and CSS with a bit of JS. It is processed and built by Soupault, pandoc, and a few laconic Python scripts. Currently, it is hosted on a number of Digital Ocean app platforms.

Observing with I-LOFAR

Undergraduate project; January—April 2019

National University of Ireland, Galway

In completing my bachelor's degree, I was required in my final year to complete a project, write a dissertation on it and defend it. My degree was a Bachelor of Science in Physics with Astrophysics; the subject of the project was radio astronomy. I have made the final report on the project available here.

I-LOFAR is a low-frequency radio telescope, part of the LOFAR array of radio telescope stations situated across Europe. As well as general radio astronomy at low frequencies, a consortium of universities including mine had developed and installed a high-performance computing cluster named REALTA, attached to LOFAR to allow for high-time-resolution processing of high-frequency objects such as pulsars and fast radio bursts. I investigated the feasibility of remote use of the telescope and the HPC cluster by students, for research and education.


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